Tag: Tabloids

MS Tabloid Headlines

MS Tabloid Headlines

  The tabloids.  Journalism at its lowest. I don’t buy them but I do admit reading the eye-popping, ridiculous headlines while in line at the checkout. (That’s why they are there, right?) As much as I enjoy keeping up with the latest alien abduction, Elvis sighting or who is currently dating Bigfoot, I notice the …

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Attention-Getting Headlines

Attention-Getting Headlines

      You gotta love the magazine rack at the check-out. It’s so nice of the store to offer reading material for those of us standing in line!  I mean, they’re there for the same reason the doctor puts magazines in the lobby, right? The headlines of these rag-mags fascinate me the most–as the …

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Attention-Getting Headlines

Attention-Getting Headlines

    Newspapers have long been associated with big headlines in order to sell more issues. The tabloid rags are famous for their exclusive stories about Bigfoot being the next judge on “American Idol.”  Or pictures of Jessica Simpson’s three-headed baby. I admit, they catch my eye when I’m in line at the grocery store …

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