Tag: Support Group

Roll Model

Roll Model

Let’s dig deep into the My Odd Sock archives for this moldy-oldy…..     The one you look toward for inspiration. The one who motivates you to be your best. The one who encourages you to reach further…to face adversity…to be tenacious in perseverance.       It’s your role model!   Is there such …

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2012 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

2012 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

      Yep, it’s that time to don the clipboard and make a mockery of the theories of market research. You have been specially chosen (not really) to participate in this mindless survey of MS ridiculousness. Grab your pencil and answer each of these carefully-crafted questions as it relates to you & your MS. …

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Twenty Scratchy Signatures

Twenty Scratchy Signatures

  One look at the writing on the sign-in sheet tells the story.   Either there is something physically wrong with these folks—or they are undergoing the world’s most violent earthquake! Very simply, not one of these people will win the Emily Post Award for penmanship!     What am I talking about?  It’s the …

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