Tag: stem cells

MS: How Much Do You Know?

MS: How Much Do You Know?

  So you are patting yourself on the back for your knowledge of multiple sclerosis, huh? You have read the research. Visited the websites. Books, journals, studys, ect ect. You know so much about multiple sclerosis YOU should be wearing a white coat.   But before we start calling you “Doc”, it’s time to test …

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Stem Cell Study: Three Months Later

Stem Cell Study: Three Months Later

      Because many of us with multiple sclerosis have the memory of a gnat, I’ll recap my participation in the MS-based stem cell research study at the Cleveland Clinic.   Twenty-four lucky souls were chosen to take part in this first-ever study. Bone marrow was taken from my hips.  The stem cells were …

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Stem Cell Infusion Day

Stem Cell Infusion Day

    In a previous post titled “Lab Rat #19”, I described my participation in a research study conducted at the Cleveland Clinic’s Mellen Center. The study was the Phase One Clinical Trial of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in patients with MS.    Well, lo and behold, my big day had finally arrived. The day …

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MS aMuSings

MS aMuSings

        It’s time to clear out some MS related items from the My Odd Sock filing cabinet. So here in no particular order, I give you various “musings,” hopefully presented in a humorous way….thus called ‘amusings.” (Clever as mold, aren’t I?)       Stem Cell Study Update   In a previous …

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Lab Rat #19

Lab Rat #19

    This post should explain my recent absence at My Odd Sock.  Enjoy!       Maybe you have had the urge to give back. Maybe by making a donation.  Or taking part in a benefit MS walk. Well, since I don’t have money to spare….and walking has become as awkward as chatting with …

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