Tag: Political

My Odd Sock’s Wikileaks

My Odd Sock’s Wikileaks

  Throughout the world, diplomatic relations have been strained by the release of highly-sensitive documents by Wikileaks, a whistle blowing website. More than 250,000 articles containing confidential data, classified & national-security information have been made public, tarnishing foreign diplomacy of the United States and beyond.   Not to be excluded from the incriminating leaks, My …

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Asking For Your Vote

Asking For Your Vote

  If you are like me, election day just can’t get here fast enough.  It’s not that I am excited to vote—I’m just sick of the political advertisements. On TV, on the radio, through the mail, telephone messages, you can’t get away from them! Through it all….here is one last plea for your vote.   …

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State of Politics

State of Politics

First and foremost, let me apologize.  I do not want to use these pages to speak about politics.  Because if you do, you automatically piss off fifty percent of the people.  And because My Odd Sock only has six followers, that means I’ve ticked off three of them.  (OK, you caught me in a lie.  …

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