Tag: Pickleball

The Cost of It All

The Cost of It All

  I admit to being a tight-wad. A miser.  Always looking for the value. Mind you, I’m generous with others.  Quick to chip in.  But when it comes to buying something for myself?  I don’t. Impulse buying is nil.  A dressy shirt?…Eh, I have plenty.  Cool shoes?…the ones I’m wearing are just fine.  And at …

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Leaf Blowers Blow

Leaf Blowers Blow

  The fall season brings out its absolute best. Crisp temps.  Clear skies.  And a rainbow of vivid colors as Mother Nature shows her hand. But on the contrary, with fall, also comes its absolute worst–the emergence of the annoying, man-made cicada of the season–the LEAF BLOWER.   You see, I loathe leaf blowers.  Can’t …

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