Tag: Mobility Aids

Has MS Changed You?

Has MS Changed You?

Here is a My Odd Sock oldie, but a goodie.  Please enjoy this repeat performance…..      It can be pretty obvious how multiple sclerosis changes us on the outside. (How do you find the MSer in a police line-up?  Just look for the one with the mobility aid.) The way we walk–the way we …

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Naming Your MS Blog

Naming Your MS Blog

Hope you enjoy this previously soiled My Odd Sock! So you want to write about your MS in a blog?  That’s great!  What you’ll need to do first is think of a unique name for your blog and register it as a domain name with a company like Go Daddy.com.  (Yes, I hate Go Daddy’s …

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MS Texting Shortcuts

MS Texting Shortcuts

      Today, texting has become a popular vehicle of communication. People of all ages use texting, rather than calling, as their preferred choice of sharing information.   Texting has spawned a whole new, Internet language of word & phrase shorthand to aid in rapid conversation.   Not to be left out, those of …

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