Tag: Hyundai

Never Used SUV Names

Never Used SUV Names

    Our roads are filled with on-the-go SUV’s and work-duty trucks. Inside are active drivers & families busy with jobs, chores and adventurous plans. The brand names of these vehicles are the best.  They convey boundless energy and beautiful journeys behind majestic nameplates of grand nature!   Look there!…It’s a Kia Sedona. I see …

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What’s In A Name

What’s In A Name

  A product’s name is everything. It can fuel its success or drown its failure. That’s why companies spend oodles of money on research and product development to get a name juuuuust right. They gather focus groups.  They  nudge & nitpick for impressions, thoughts & motivations.  They pour over test market results to learn what …

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Driving For Christmas

Driving For Christmas

  It truly IS a special time of year. The nip in the air.  The bustle of busy people. And the excitement of a certain day to come.   Yes, Hyundai Holidays are here. Cars shined bright. Salesmen in sweaters way too tight.         The wreaths, ribbons & lights so fond… can …

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