Tag: Dr. Swank

MS Fraternity

MS Fraternity

Please enjoy (or chug) this previously used My Odd Sock! I was checking in at the front desk of the MS Clinic for my appointment when he rolled up behind me. His name was Andrew, and he too had multiple sclerosis.  He was asking about my manual wheelchair while I asked him about his power …

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Vita-Min Or Vita-Max

Vita-Min Or Vita-Max

When it comes to vitamins, no one can agree. On ANYTHING. Should you take them?  Which ones?  How many?  What dose? They can’t even agree on how much money Americans spend on vitamins & supplements each year. Some say $11 billion.  Others say $20 billion.  $30 billion.  Some estimate up to $50 billion dollars a …

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Belly Up

Belly Up

  Congratulations!  You have multiple sclerosis!   As a member to our exclusive club, you’ll get an ID card, learn the secret MS handshake (it’s no secret, just stick out your hand and it shakes by itself!), and enjoy thrice weekly mailings by charities looking for donations!     You celebrate your new achievement by …

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