Tag: Cottonelle

Product Placement

Product Placement

    So many products.  So many choices. The world is an endless marketplace. That’s why My Odd Sock is here to help you sort through the good, the bad & the downright silly goods all vying for the dough in your pocketbook.   Let’s go shopping shall we…..   Petzi Remote Treat Cam   …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

You can’t watch TV without seeing a commercial for “Five Hour Energy,” the little bottle taken to increase your energy. Well, here is a new product parody, written by My Odd Sock and produced by Tony Gialuca Productions, just click on the title at the end of this sentence to hear a :60 mp3 version …

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Paper Trail

Paper Trail

    Are you comfortable admitting defeat? Do you scratch your enormous, bulbous head and admit you don’t get it like I do?     Isn’t it obvious I’m referring to Cottonelle Toilet Paper’s “Respect The Roll” promotion?   It’s a TV commercial encouraging you to visit the website respecttheroll.com to order your FREE tacky …

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