Tag: Bob Barker



Blowing the dust off this old My Odd Sock as the Duggars are in the news again.  Enjoy…   Here in the United States we are facing a serious problem.   It’s not National health care. Not rampent unemployment. Not bank foreclosures.   These problems pale in comparison.   I’m referring to the ominous “Duggar-demic!” …

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Flakey Way To Riches

Flakey Way To Riches

    Every once in a while you hear of someone selling a potato chip in the shape of Bob Barker, the Virgin Mary or some other iconic figure for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.   Well, because My Odd Sock isn’t above ways to make a quick buck (and you thought otherwise), I …

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Dog Daze

Dog Daze

    Some days I wrack my lesion-filled brain for a subject to write about here at My Odd Sock. And other times, inspiration falls right into your lap!   Like it did recently as I was looking through one of those value flyer’s one gets in the mail. There before my mono-browed eyes, was …

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