Tag: Barney Miller

Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

    My Odd Sock routinely avoids the pressing issues of the day…to instead, openly debate the ridiculous. And today, is no exception!   I want to know YOUR five favorite TV sitcoms.  The shows you never missed!  The kind of TV sitcom that caused you to rearrange your social calendar.  (I never had a …

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Letter To Dad

Letter To Dad

  In this post, My Odd Sock writes a letter to his Dad…or “Dude”… as he was nicknamed by me many years ago. Here is what the letter said…..     Dear Dude, What’s happening? Yeah, I’m writing a letter.  Call me the Emily Post of Penmanship. Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry …

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