Tag: Aubagio

Med Mash

Med Mash

  Just how DO they come up with the crazy-ass names for prescription drugs? One must wonder. It’s always some weird consonant/vowel combo that gives your tongue a charlie-horse trying to pronounce them. You got to be a patient AND a linguist. I have a theory.  I believe they put Scrabble tiles in a cup, …

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MS Crayons

MS Crayons

        Did you know since the introduction of Crayola crayons way back in 1903, more than two hundred different colors have been produced?   And did you realize NOT ONE of those over two hundred colors have anything to do with multiple sclerosis?   Shame really.     Instead, we have colors …

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My Odd Sock MS Midterm Exam

My Odd Sock MS Midterm Exam

Well, you’ve made it halfway through the school year. But before you can enjoy the holiday break, you must take the dreaded MS Midterm Exam. Let’s hope you’ve paid attention during your doctor’s visits.  Studied up with Momentum magazine and the other outstanding online MS resources.  And of course, kept up-to-date with the usual brain-numbings …

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