Getting Ready

Getting Ready




The day’s social calendar features a wedding, thus let the preparations begin.  Chop Chop!

Having multiple sclerosis you understand getting ready can be the most arduous process known to mankind.

That’s why this post is for the other mere mortals in the world who may not understand our struggle.


Let these written words document it takes great effort on my part to be this handsome, this George Clooney-esc, every damn day.


The Cleanse



First step, a thorough cleaning in a tepid shower.

Shampooing of my lush mane.  

Followed by a close shave.

Trimming of toenails is next with a smear of Vaseline Body lotion to keep the skin soft.

(Yes you can see from the photo I am a friggin mess w/ dandruff & sensitive skin.)  (My momma still loves me though.)

Total Time:  37 minutes


The Dressing

After a brief shower respite it is time to assemble the days semi-formal attire.

Ahh comfort!



My typical outfit April thru October is a t-shirt and gym shorts  (No wonder my wife has disowned me) so for me to go from that (left)…to this (below) is almost as challenging as solving climate change.








Phew…hand cramps.



The dress shirt is quite the dreaded nemesis.

Here we have…count’em…nine fiddly buttons to be secured by ten MS-laden fumble fingers.

A tie comes next.  Tied once (too short).  Tied twice (too long).  Tied a third time (eh good enough).

Dress pants and belt follow.  Making sure there is something to lean against to pull up, snap, zip and tuck everything in its place without falling forward.

Socks and dress shoes top off a fashion assembly line that would make Henry Ford proud.

Total Time:  29 minutes


Grand Total:  37 + 29= 66 minutes


So I am already in for an hour & six minutes and have YET to make it downstairs to gather my keys, phone & wallet.  Double check if I have to pee.  Shuffle to the car, get in and go.




An hour & six minutes plus in getting ready.

Yeah I’m getting ready alright…ready for a nap.

Give the young couple my blessing, I’m pooped.

How are you doing getting ready?

Share your story quickly as I’m gonna be late.



2 Replies to “Getting Ready”

  1. I’m with you, odd sock. We rarely dress up anymore, being simple people. I also am a shorts wearer at home, even through the winter. I can plan, take my time, and after i find something semi decent to wear, I throw up my hands and say “yuk”. Don’t get me started on put on my mascara. I feel like it’s Halloween every time. Give me a nightgown, sweats, or shorts anytime. I say “stay home” ! Exhausted doesn’t begin to explain it 🍷🍹🍸