Know Your Knock-offs

You gotta love knock-off brands. You can save money and you really don’t notice the difference in taste. (Well, not too much.)
Knock-offs are sly as they package their goods using similar color schemes as the original.
And because product names are copyrighted, knock-offs must cleverly use titles that closely mock the true brand.
How good are you at picking the original?
In this knock-off cereal challenge, I’ll show you the knock-off product and give you four possible names. Your task is to pick the original.
Let’s begin…..
Apple Wheels

Is the real product called…
A) Apple Jinx
B) Apple Jerks
C) Apple Jills
D) Apple Jacks
Cookie Chippers

Is the real cereal called…
A) Cookie Crud
B) Cookie Crust
C) Cookies For Breakfast?
D) Cookie Crisp
Fruity Burst

Is the real name…
A) Trucks
B) Tracks
C) Trekkies
D) Trix
Cocoa Bursts

Is the real product…
A) Cocoa Musket Balls
B) Cocoa Poofs
C) Chocolate Ball Bearings
D) Cocoa Puffs
Fruit Whirls

Is the real cereal…
A) Fruit Circles
B) Fruit Spheres
C) Fruit Not Squares
D) Fruit Loops
Cinnamon Toast Bites

Is the real name…
A) Cinnamon Cardboard Squares
B) Cinnamon Wood Chips
C) Spiced Melba Toasts
D) Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Cravin Crunch

Even the knock-off brand scrapes a layer of skin from the roof of your mouth!
Is the real product…
A) Corporal Crunch
B) Colonel Crunch
C) Dishonorably Discharged Crunch
D) Cap’n Crunch
and finally…
Magic Shapes

Is the real cereal…
A) Lucky Leprechauns
B) Lucky Diabetes Bites
C) Ireland’s Embarrassment
D) Lucky Charms
So how’d you do before you got bored & dozed off?
If you answered “D” to any & all questions, you are correct!
Congrats for reading and taking the Knock-off challenge.
Keep shopping everyone.
3 Replies to “Know Your Knock-offs”
To quote “Tony the Tiger” ……….”This blog is Gr-r-reat!!!”.
Is Tony the advertising cartoon mascot for……
A) Kellogg’s Funky Flakes
B) Kellogg’s Freaky Flakes
C) Kellogg’s Funny Flakes
D) Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes
I loved Chocolate Ball Bearings when I was a kid! Haven’t eaten solid foods since I was seven, but I loved them. Funny piece, Doug!
Thanks for the ups! I love them all…I’m like a serious cerealer. Yeah, you gotta let Cocoa Puffs soak up the milk a little bit—but not too much.
Thank you for the compliment. The answer is D…(way too easy!).