This & That

Welcome to “This & That.”
It’s the only uninspired name I could come up with to describe a blog post of disjointed, leftover ideas & pictures.
Shall we get started?…..

With all the uproar these days in current events of a similiar product, I thought it was wise to demonstrate the proper use of an EpiPez.

Don’t you love businesses who make claims like this?
To me it says…”Beyond ’31—you’re on your own.”
“Screw you–you should be dead.”
(Geez Sock, don’t take things so literal!)

Here’s a recent front page of my local paper.
Yeah, just throw out the journalistic, news gathering and give me more coupons!
If only TV would be so bold to come out and say…”Now with more commercials!”

Saw this the other day.
Thought it would be cool to own this as a second car!
A fire truck would save time running errands because you never have to stop for the lights!
Great horn too!

So excited to get a new membership card in the mail.
Guess I have MS for another friggin year now.
Finally, who doesn’t love a little soft porn as I reveal my intimate summer tan lines…..

Below the ankle bone…Mee-ow!
Must have used SPF300 on those feet.
Those toosies haven’t seen the light of day since 1974.
I could grow mushrooms between the toes.
There, I warned you this would be a hodge-podge mess.
Hope you are happy.
Have a tremendous weekend.
2 Replies to “This & That”
I am also a card carrying MSer. Is it only me that was bothered by the fact that they chose a “runner” to be pictured on the front of the card?
Good eye, Margaret! That is kinda funny-strange. Maybe we’re doin something wrong!
Always look forward to your comments. Thank you.