My Odd Sock’s “Lost And Found”

Here at My Odd Sock, we pledge our best to help those who are helping others.
So when a dear pal shared the heartbreaking story of a wayward creature, My Odd Sock eagerly jumped, selflessly mind you, to use its world-wide reach to support the worthy cause.
Here is the wistful saga…..

Yes, a chicken has been found.
And we are determined to find its rightful owner.

Keep in mind this is no ordinary chicken.
But a “friendly” chicken.
Although we are all familiar with a “friendly” dog that licks our face, wags its tail or humps our leg.
A “friendly” chicken is uncharted territory to most.

Personally I would describe a chicken as “delicious”, “delectable”, even “yummy” before using the word “friendly.”
But maybe this chicken was found by a member of PETA, who knows.
All I can do is picture in my mind a family of teary-eyed young children mourning the loss of their dear, friendly chicken.
If you or someone you know has lost a friendly chicken, you are urged to contact this website inn comment form and I will be sure to put you in touch with this civic-minded citizen.
Now all this talk has peaked my appetite, so off to KFC.
One Reply to “My Odd Sock’s “Lost And Found””
I think the chicken is on the run after running across a cow holding up a sign saying “Eat More Chicken”. I sure hope the person who found him is a vegetarian. 🙂