Brain Drain #15
It is like plunging the toilet. Sometimes you just gotta do it.
And what better way to begin 2012 than with a clean slate….and an empty head!
So, I would like to drain the brain of some lingering nonsense from the previous year.
Shall we?
Let’s begin….
Work This
First, let me say I LOVE the creative process behind music, movies and television. Therefore, I despise the sheer laziness of any “remakes”, and ABC’s sitcom “Work It” is just that.
“Work It” is a bold face rip-off of the 80’s sitcom “Bosom Buddies” which starred Tom Hanks & Peter Scolari.
The premise of “Work It” involves two unemployed guys who dress as women to work as pharmaceutical sales reps in an all-female workplace. (Why is it, 90% of all drug reps & radio account executives are female? Just curious.) (Plus, what gives with an “all-female workplace?” Isn’t that illegal?)
I have never watched “Work It” and I don’t intend to based on principle. If you haven’t seen it, you better catch it fast because I guarantee “Work It” won’t be around for second shift!
Let’s move on…
Social Butterfly
Do you feel smothered by all the dating commercials on TV lately?
I saw an eHarmony commercial where the guy & girl were having drinks during their first meeting.
She says something like…”I read that people with smartphones have more sex.” He replies..”I have a Droid.”
They snicker and he says..”Uncomfortable.”
Uncomfortable?…I say Cha-Ching!
Wow, that’s interesting chat for the first date! I wasn’t sure if this was a commercial for eHarmony…or “Skoreit!”
I’m yelling at the TV…Hey, what about those of us with a “Jitterbug?”
Then you have the “Who’s looking for you” commercials for
The young girl giggles and says…”Seven people are looking for me?”
What they don’t tell you is two of them are bill collectors, two are identity thieves and three are serial rapists!
Seriously, is being sued as folks claim they were told “someone is looking for you,” then charged them for a list of fake names!
Who is looking for me? I don’t want to know!
What’s next…
Do The Math

I was cleaning the bathroom using this bottle of “Mr. Clean with Fabreze.”
I admired the clean, fresh scent and the sparkling shine it left behind.
Then I noticed the sticker at the top of the bottle…

What? One 8Ooz bottle equals two 4Ooz bottles? Since when?
Mr. Clean, do you take me for a fool?
Maybe your hair fell out because you smell chemicals all day, but most of us know “One 8Ooz bottle equals two 4Ooz bottles!”
Hey Mr Clean…Breaking news…one dollar equals four quarters! One foot-long sub equals two six-inch Subway subs!
That explains why you are known as “Mr. Clean” and not “Mr. Math!
So much for “Brain Drain #15.”
Anything you need to get off your chest? Spill your guts in a comment. You’ll feel better beginning 2012 with a clearer mind.
5 Replies to “Brain Drain #15”
I couldn’t agree more.
You’re smart in not watching “Work It” — it’s dumb and as you said a rip-off. You forgot to mention Christian Mingle where God picks your date! Dumb ol’ Mr. Clean…
I also never watched “Work It”, and I guess we never will. Just read that ABC pulled the plug on the sitcom after 2 episodes. I guess we weren’t the only ones not watching. 🙂
Glad to know I’m not the only one who thought it was a Bosom Buddies remake. And we’re not watching it. It like everything is just a remake now…or at least taking old cartoons and turning them to movies. Smurfs, Alvin & The Chipmunks, The Hulk, etc. Time to flush the drain.
Yeah, I JUST heard ABC was pulling the show.
You gotta stink pretty bad to be pulled after just two episodes!