Not So Top Ten For 2011

Not So Top Ten For 2011




top ten 2011

This time of year, it seems we find ourselves up to our nanny parts with “top ten, year in review” type junk.

And here at My Odd Sock (because I am as lame as all the rest), we offer all the same!

This “Not So Top Ten” list includes the best of the worst My Odd Sock’s from the past year.  What makes them “top ten?”  Nothing really.  Just old posts I found interesting–and maybe you will too!

To read (and gag) a particular My Odd Sock, just visit the box on the bottom right and open the month of the post you want.


So, in no particular order are the My Odd Sock “Not So Top Ten For 2011.”



MS, one cool disease
MS, one cool disease



1.  “Q&A With MS”  April 2011.  My Odd Sock interviews the one & only MS.  You’ll see this disease in a whole new light in this ridiculous profile.




2.  “Tupperware Mating Season”  March 2011.  Ever wonder where all those plastic bowls under your cabinet come from?  Odd Sock uncovers the truth in this Discovery Channel-type documentary.




top ten


3.  “Roll Model”  August 2011.  In this post we discussed who we really look up to.  Who is your MS role model?  You may be surprised!




Texting made easy!
Texting made easy!



4.  “MS Texting Shortcuts”  September 2011.  Here you learned a few texting shortcuts specifically created for those with MS.

OMG it’s good!




5.  “My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List”  December 2011.  About as funny as a poop cramp.  See what should have been on your Christmas list this year.



Nice outline!  You got no fingers.
Nice outline! You got no fingers.



6.  “MSurvivalist”  February 2011.  My Odd Sock nearly dies of exposure in this chilling account about a trip to the mailbox.






7.  “My Ride At The Amusement Park”  June 2011.  It’s all fun & games till you can’t walk after a ride on a roller coaster!  Buckle in for safety as you are in for a ride.





8.  “Why Me?”  March 2011.  Have you ever pondered why you ended up with multiple sclerosis?  My Odd Sock tries to make sense of it all in this serious (yeah, really) write-up.



9.  “Naming Your MS Blog”  August 2011.  Starting your own blog is as simple as choosing an available domain name.  Here are a few suggestions from this summer post.



My Odd Sock mail call!
My Odd Sock mail call!




10.  “Opportunity Of A Lifetime”  April 2011.  Doors are opening for MOS with the ultimate dream job.  Join me as opportunity knocks…for a limited time!





That’s the wraps for the “Not So Top Ten for 2011.”

It has been a tremendous year here at My Odd Sock (Not really).

Thank you for reading this epitome of bad grammar and copyright infringement.

Therefore, if you haven’t lapsed into a coma by now—we’ll see you in 2012.

Happy New Year!











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