The New F-Word

The New F-Word




The English language is always evolving with new words that quickly become a common part of our daily voice.


The always vulgar f-word is one such example.  Yet, it has evolved through the ages.


Long thought too crude to be expressed publicly, the f-word has since been diluted..sugar-coated..and replaced with nicer sounding words like “freakin”, “friggin”, or “frick.”

But alas, here in Ohio, current events have created what I believe to be the next, diluted form of the f-word.



newspaperNewspapers are filled with articles about….”fracking.”


In truth, “fracking” is the process where water and chemicals are blasted into rocks deep into the ground to unlock stores of natural gas and oil.



But I can’t help to think of the f-word every time I see the word “fracking!”

They are virtually interchangeable!



Take for instance this headline from the local paper….

“MetroParks board tries to ease fracking fears.”



Within the articles are more “fracking” references…

“…introduced legislation Wednesday that would stop fracking activities until a federal study on the potential impacts is completed.”

(By chance would “impacts” mean pregnancy?)


“ is vital that we establish a moratorium on horizontal fracking.”

reading newspaper


(No comment here!)



“..residents will hold the board accountable for any incidents that stem from fracking, should it happen in the park.”


“..about a dozen people spoke to the board against fracking in the MetroParks.”


(Wait, but where are teenagers suppose to do their fracking?)



Finally, this headline…


“Bill aims to delay fracking.”


(Finally a stand-up guy delaying it till marriage.  Good for Bill!)



Will fracking ever become the new f-word? 

I flippin doubt it–I’m just having fun in the world of My Odd Sock!




3 Replies to “The New F-Word”

  1. I realize your intent is humor but you have touched on a subject that has upset me a lot over the years. The english language contains many “dirty” or curse words and many derogitory words. I believe that if people knew the origin of these words they would realize how foolish they sound when theyn use them. An example: The term WOPP assigned to our Italian immigrant neighbors. In the ’20s and ’30s when arriving at Ellis Is. they had no passports and their entrance papers were stamped by the Federal Gov’t., WOPP (Without Passport). As for the word upsetting you, “Fornication Under Control of the King”. On a placard during the time of King Henry VIII?”

  2. I really flapp’in needed this laugh today. I believe George Carlin did well on the 7 words we shouldn’t say. Play about words get the point across I spose. I actually used the word ‘rad’ the other day. It came out of no where! Well, maybe the 80’s. I’m behind I guess.