Brain Drain #10

Brain Drain #10




I know, I know, it has only been a few weeks since the last Brain Drain—but I’ve noticed a lot of stuff that clutters my water-tower sized head.

So, let’s get to draining!



real housewives

Really Real Housewives

Everywhere you turn one will see, read or hear something about the “Real Housewives” reality TV shows.

They have had “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” “D.C.,” “New York,” and “New Jersey.”  I have never watched any of these programs nor do I know anyone who does.  Yet, I am tortured with daily news of these sophisticate-wannabe’s like I am being helplessly strapped to a publicist’s water board.

Who the hell cares?….And why should I watch this?


Attention Bravo Network:  Here is the My Odd Sock premise for a show I WOULD watch…….”Real Housewives of Elkhart.”


Real Housewives of Elkart

Set in the Sunnyside Estates Trailer Park in Elkhart, Indiana, this real housewives program would feature “real” life in “real” situations.

Put THIS show on TV and I am there every episode!

Let’s move along…..


Stach Clash

Have you seen the new TV commercial for Haines underwear featuring Michael Jordan?

michael jordan

He’s on an airplane riding in coach (yeah, right) when this guy strikes up a conversation with him.  The guy is standing in the aisle doing Pilate stretches that put his johnson mere inches from MJ’s face.

Jordan looks away because Michael spent his entire career looking at Larry Bird’s bird…and he doesn’t need to see another one of those.

But, adoring Michael’s face is a Hitler-like half- stach moustache!

Sorry your airness, that is not a good look for any male…..(or female, if you take into account the moustache my Grandma sported!).

Doesn’t Jordan have an agent who is brash enough to tell his client that is NOT a good look?

Be like Mike?…..I don’t think so.

You don’t see fellows wearing a Hitler-stach for the same reason you don’t see dudes carving a Manson “X” between their eyes.

Tomorrow morning, stand a little closer to your razor Michael.


Celebrity Look-alikes

At My Odd Sock, we try to uncover the long-lost twins of celebrities and other news-makers.  Here are a couple more…..


reese davis


First, ESPN’s Reece Davis…..

Maybe you are not familiar with Reece.  He hosts ESPN’s college football halftime broadcasts.



And his long-lost twin……

christopher knight


Christopher Knight, aka Peter Brady, all grown up.




OK, I’ll admit that is a stretch—–a stretch calling them celebrities!



Finally, we have the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

mahmoud ahmadinejad


(His name belongs as a word in the National Spelling Bee!)




And his long-lost twin……singer Ray Stevens.

ray stevens

Who knew the creator of such hits as “Guitarzan” and “The Streak” would later become a world leader!

When Ray sang the line…”Ethel, get your clothes on”, I didn’t realize he was referring to a burka!



Well that does it for “Brain Drain #10.”  If you would like to spill your guts about something you’ve seen, go ahead and share your thoughts in a comment.  We would love to hear them.

Till next time.


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