Another Disastrous Spill

Another Disastrous Spill

Dateline:  My Odd Sock Corporate Office

While recovery experts work to stop the ongoing BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, a company spokesman for My Odd Sock, an MS based humor website, announced yet another recently discovered spill.


During a tension-filled press conference, information was disclosed detailing a second disastrous spill.

Major networks including the Golf Channel & the Food Network report the story.
Major networks including the Golf Channel & the Food Network report the story.


A new leak of a thick, white, cheesy substance occurred on the second shelf in a refrigerator of the My Odd Sock kitchen facility.

The white substance was later identified as “Light Parmesan Alfredo” touting “50% less fat and 33% fewer calories.”

Sources familiar with Alfredo say the tasty sauce is best known as a partner to fettucine, but added “Alfredo is great on veggies & chicken.”


My Odd Sock then released the only known photo of the pending disaster…

The great alfredo spill.
The great alfredo spill.


Early estimates indicate Alfredo to be flowing from the source at a rate of two tablespoons per hour.


Experts on the scene were quick to declare no immediate danger to citizens living in the vicinity of the leak.

A sudsy bath for these lucky bottles!
A sudsy bath for these lucky bottles!



Local wildlife was also safe, although several containers of SunnyD had to be cleansed of the cheesy goo adhering to their outer shells.






Several plans were formulated & reviewed as possible solutions to stopping the flow of Italian delight.


Suck it up!
Suck it up!


The first plan involved collecting the spilled Alfredo by use an “insertion tube” or straw.  The sauce would be collected and then consumed.

The idea was abandoned over concerns of “raised cholesterol levels.”




The  second suggested plan centered around construction of a “Containment Perimeter.”

My Odd Sock "Containment Perimeter"
My Odd Sock "Containment Perimeter"



Officials worried the spread of the Parmesan-tainted creme would reach the vegetable crisper.

The “Containment Perimeter” was later dismissed as an ineffective solution.




Finally, a third plan was unveiled as the appropriate rescue alternative.

"We have a plan."
"We have a plan."


In plan number three, the container would be righted and the lid replaced to form an effective seal preventing future spillage.

A damp dishrag would then be used to wipe up the remaining Alfredo. 


Clean-up efforts were estimated to take approximately five minutes.



How ironic, the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico…and the great My Odd Sock Alfredo spill.

Two simultaneous disasters happening at opposite corners of the world.

Both different, yet strikingly similar in conflict suffered by mankind.  Similar also in the human will….to right its wrongs.




7 Replies to “Another Disastrous Spill”

  1. Kudos to you for using a green tech method for the clean-up: a reusable rag instead of paper towels!

  2. Dear Sock, I just discovered your very informative site. However, I thought there was no yucky stuff in this blog. This oil spill looks pretty yucky.

    But seriously, hello I’m Joan from Newark (pronounced New Ark), Delaware, and enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

    Joan of Newark

    1. Dear Joan,

      Welcome to My Odd Sock.

      No yucky stuff huh? You’ve never seen me trying to conjugate a noun & a verb.

      Thanks for reading (and shaking your head as in “Why did I waste my time reading this?”)

      Sincerely yours,

      My Odd Sock of the sock drawer

  3. I do not like to post comments but sometimes you just have to! Way to go with your post!