Courtesy Calls

Courtesy Calls


Today is a glorious day! 

The air is clear.  Spring is in bloom.  And I feel terrific!



It must be contagious too because I just got off the phone with someone from the Native American Heritage Association and she was equally upbeat and positive!

Of course, being a “courtesy call,” I would expect such pleasantness.

I must have a popular phone number as that was the third “courtesy call” I received this week.


Let’s see, I also spoke with the Cancer Research Institute Guild and the Policeman’s Juvenile Benevolent Fund.

And each representative was as cheerful as the next!—especially when I told them I was eager to help their cause with a cash donation.

Oh don’t worry, I felt safe giving them my credit card number as they weren’t selling anything—this was a “courtesy call,” remember?



Their good work depends on the hearts of concerned citizens like myself.

And they were busy too.  You should have heard all the voices talking in the background!



How selfish of me to criticize the timing of their calls.  Here I am enjoying dinner with my family, while these poor souls are still hard at work.  Shame on me!


Did you know my fifty dollar contribution to the Policeman’s Juvenile Benevolent Fund ensures underprivileged children in my community can enjoy opportunities they wouldn’t have had otherwise?

I never knew!  My Dad was a police officer for 25 years and he never once spoke of his humbled involvement with such a worthy cause.  You go Dad!


The telephone isn’t the only way these merited affiliations are reaching out to me.  Just the other day I received three pages of embossed return labels from the American Feathered Friends Society.  They were thanking me for my continued support.  (Honestly, I never-ever helped them before.  But I better get my checkbook and make a contribution.  I mean, they DID send me some address labels absolutely free!)

Taking yet another "courtesy call."
Taking yet another "courtesy call."


It is a glorious day indeed.  Now if I only had a moment to enjoy it.

What?…a courtesy call from the Lost Children’s Recovery Board?  Or is it the Friends of Green Space Preservation Committee?  No, it can’t be the Lutheran Caucus Relief Fund.


Thankfully, everyone is so courteous—this helping others could make a person angry!


One Reply to “Courtesy Calls”

  1. Ask them how much of your donation goes to the charity. Send the charity your donation directly.