Best Of The 2nd Half Of 2009

Best Of The 2nd Half Of 2009

Best ofTis the season for a plethora of “best of’s” and My Odd Sock is no exception.  But because My Odd Sock didn’t begin degrading the Internet and massacring the English language till July of this year, there is only six months of material to choose from.

So let’s begin with the “Best Of The 2nd Half of 2009.”


Best Use Of A Kid’s Toy


IMG_1682From the post titled “MS Gene ID’d” is the photo of multiple sclerosis bearing a striking resemblance to a “tinkersaurus.”

Also, the mylein sheath is cleaverly represented by Kraft Cheese slices.




Best Line (Tie)


From the post “I Luv Botolinumtoxin” was the line “MS allows me to walk like a drunk—without the smell.”

And from the very popular post “This Dribble Is On Me” was the line “It’s obvious that my left hand would do the Steve Irwin dirty work.”



Best Sticky Note Drawing









Funniest Post



One Size Fits All” describing the gargantuan size of my dome.  (Image has been reduced to fit the parameters of your monitor.)




Worst Topic Idea Never Used

Scribbled in my notebook of fun is the topic idea entitled “I Am A Butt Floater.”

This story would require an explanation, but you’ll probably never hear it.



Most Punchlines

My usual view of a room.
My usual view of a room.



The post “Fall Down Funny,” describing my continuous meetings with the floor.





Best Character Never Introduced….Till Now



That was a guy I call “The Hecklephant.”  He was a dude dressed as an elephant who heckled me by screaming non-stop during a stand-up show I was doing in Florida.


Now you’ve met “The Hecklephant,” who works with the “Funny Meter,” to tell me when a particular My Odd Sock isn’t so funny.



Best Comments Left By A Reader

Bow tie

My Odd Sock gets alot of goofy comments, most of which I delete before they are broadcast.  One comment stated “This article was written good.”

(Had the same English teacher I did.)

I get alot of spam comments asking me to click here to see “Hot Grandma’s With Young Studs.”  Upon further investigating, they WERE hot grandma’s with young studs.  That site has now been marked as a favorite.  Just kidding.



Oldest Story Behind The Post 


babysitter pic (2)In the post “Welcome To My Death Ray,” I tell the story of how I killed my babysitter when I was a mere ankle-biter.

Within the post was the actual newspaper clipping of my devious behavior.








Favorite Photo  (Tie Again)

Peanut in a tin can
Peanut in a tin can


This photo captures my expression of what it sounds like when I get an idea.  It sounds like a peanut bouncing around in an empty tin can.




Working in the My Odd Sock Laboratory
Working in the My Odd Sock Laboratory



This favorite photo shows My Odd Sock conducting scientific research using my kiddie microscope I had as a youngster.





And that does it for the “Best Of The 2nd Half Of 2009.” 

I thank you for your readership and wish you a happy & safe New Year.


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