Tag: Wheel of Fortune



    There are TV networks devoted to all sports (ESPN), news (CNN), weather (The Weather Channel), kid’s (Nickelodeon), races (BET & Telemundo), even political affiliations…right-wing (Fox) and left-wing (Comedy Central)!   But finally, for those of us with multiple sclerosis, there is a now a tv network that caters to our specific entertainment.  Yes, …

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Television’s Dark Day

Television’s Dark Day

    Humanity–you should be ashamed!   Hang your head as a million years of human evolution have been tossed in the garbage like a dirty paper towel.       In case you missed it, “Watson,” a specially designed computer, opened a major can of Silicon Valley whoop-ass on the TV game show “Jeopardy.” …

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I Would Like To Buy A Bowel, Pat

I Would Like To Buy A Bowel, Pat

  Here is an encore My Odd Sock I think you will enjoy!   What is with you MS people?  It’s always about your bowels or your bladder.  Bowel this.  Bladder that.  Bowel-Bladder.  Bladder-Bowel.  Give it a break already!   I wish I could.  And you probably agree.  But after 13 years  of shared bliss with multiple …

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