Tag: Tim Gunn

MS Sweet Tweets

MS Sweet Tweets

Are you on Twitter? Do you “tweet?” Me neither.  But maybe we should because Twitter is perfect for those of us with multiple sclerosis! Perfect for the reason…a message on Twitter is limited to just 140 characters. That’s an ideal size for MSers. Any larger and we would forget what we wrote the line before…Any …

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Unfashionably Disabled

Unfashionably Disabled

      T-shirt. Check. Pull-on shorts. Check.   I’m ready to roll.  Literally.       With MS, one must dress for comfort.  As well as a quick disrobe when nature calls faster than it takes to unbutton & unzip!     I try not to dress like a fashion train-wreck. But I know …

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Robo-Six Million Dollar-Iron Man

Robo-Six Million Dollar-Iron Man

    What do you call the morphing of “Robocop”, TV’s “Six Million Dollar Man” and “Iron Man” into one slightly-stooped human being? It’s me—My Odd Sock and I’ve just taken another stiff step to becoming more machine and less human.   “We can rebuild him. We have the technology.  We can make him better than …

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