Tag: Pokemon Go

My Odd Sock: Shopaholic

My Odd Sock: Shopaholic

    A few among us may describe themselves as a “shopaholic.” Though I am not a shopaholic per se, I AM addicted to scanning the ads to find items & advertising that are well beyond ridiculous. Here are a few of my “must-have-NOTS”…..       Note to retailers & branding specialists: Do not …

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You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…

You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…

      Certainly there are plenty of medical terms labeling you as a long-time MSer. (Many of which you can’t pronounce or spell) Therefore, My Odd Sock has come up with several statments you should be able to relate with as one with multiple sclerosis.   Let’s check it out…     You Know …

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