Tag: Michael Jackson

Advertising 101

Advertising 101

Good morning students.  Today’s lesson is “Advertising.” You should advertise with intent.  Your ad and/or commercial should cultivate an urgency in the consumer. “I must have this product!” “I need this service!” “I gotta try it!” And the message should then motivate the target audience with a call to action. At least that’s the way …

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Old As A Stump

Old As A Stump

I am officially old. I say this NOT because at my next birthday, I’ll receive my obligatory membership to AARP. Nor is it because I am finding grey hair in weird places.  (Grey nose hair?  What the hell!) I proclaim this truth about folks like me who can’t hold their bladders long enough to sit …

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Walk This Way

Walk This Way

      Whaat?   A guy with multiple sclerosis is gonna talk to ME about walking? That’s laughable. Next, you’ll tell me a heart patient is talking about snow shoveling….a diabetic who’s making cupcakes….or a chemo patient chatting about hair growth.   All kidding aside, My Odd Sock, accompanied by his two sidekick canes, wanted …

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