Tag: John F. Kennedy

A Way With Words

A Way With Words

  There have been many famous orators throughout history.  Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, John F. Kennedy and others. Souls who delivered powerful messages of motivation, inspiration, hope and social change.  Stirring speeches that echoed betterment of personal growth, civility & mankind. To this list of greatness I would …

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Sh#@ I Don’t Need

Sh#@ I Don’t Need

    Each day, you the consumer, are faced with a barrage of messages vying for your attention—and your money. Buy this.  Buy that.  Save this.  Get that.  Act now.  Order today.  Call now.  Reserve yours. To help you sort through the endless, mind-numbing enticements, My Odd Sock presents something I like to call…..   …

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