Tag: fashion

One Tucked Nerd

One Tucked Nerd

  It shouldn’t feel awkward.  But it does. Like the time I forgot pants at Applebee’s.  Hey, the sign said “No shirt, no shoes.”  They made NO mention of pants whatsoever! Sorry I brought that up.  It’s the subject of a whole ‘nuther blog post. I’m talking about shirts here.  To tuck or leave untucked, …

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Given Up?

Given Up?

  Have I? Have I bowed out? Pulled out? Backed out? Copped out? Ducked out?   Have I given up?  Have you?   I was reading an online advertisement about a new brand of sweatpants.  The makers claimed them to be the most comfortable, thinnest, stylish brand on the market. “You (and others) won’t even …

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Unfashionably Disabled

Unfashionably Disabled

      T-shirt. Check. Pull-on shorts. Check.   I’m ready to roll.  Literally.       With MS, one must dress for comfort.  As well as a quick disrobe when nature calls faster than it takes to unbutton & unzip!     I try not to dress like a fashion train-wreck. But I know …

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