Tag: Everybody Loves Raymond

Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

    My Odd Sock routinely avoids the pressing issues of the day…to instead, openly debate the ridiculous. And today, is no exception!   I want to know YOUR five favorite TV sitcoms.  The shows you never missed!  The kind of TV sitcom that caused you to rearrange your social calendar.  (I never had a …

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What Is That?

What Is That?

  Upon entering our home, the little boy sheepishly asked his mother, “Why do they have their TV in a box?  And why is it sitting on the floor?” They were honest questions, spoken with the innocence of an eight-year-old. The mother, cautious not to frighten her child, told him “Sweetie, it’s not in a …

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