Tag: Dad

One Tucked Nerd

One Tucked Nerd

  It shouldn’t feel awkward.  But it does. Like the time I forgot pants at Applebee’s.  Hey, the sign said “No shirt, no shoes.”  They made NO mention of pants whatsoever! Sorry I brought that up.  It’s the subject of a whole ‘nuther blog post. I’m talking about shirts here.  To tuck or leave untucked, …

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Mother & Father

Mother & Father

  I’ve never been keen on formalities, especially when it came to addressing my parents as “mother” and “father.” Referring to “my mother” or “my father” in conversation seemed so upper crust.  Like something one would say at the country club wearing a houndstooth jacket, sipping a martini. My experience growing up was quite different.  …

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Letter To Dad

Letter To Dad

  In this post, My Odd Sock writes a letter to his Dad…or “Dude”… as he was nicknamed by me many years ago. Here is what the letter said…..     Dear Dude, What’s happening? Yeah, I’m writing a letter.  Call me the Emily Post of Penmanship. Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry …

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