Rejected Instant Lottery Names

Instant lottery games, or ‘scratch-offs,’ are always brightly-colored tickets with cute, catchy names.
You’ve seen them…’Double Doubler’, ‘Treasure Hunt’, ‘Holiday Cash’, ‘Cash Blowout’, ‘Money Explosion’ and the list goes on and on.
Well I’m here to say not all instant ticket games are so cute & catchy.
In fact, here’s a list of some not-so popular names that have been rejected…..
Broke Buck Mountain
Scratcher & Smokes
This Or The Gas Bill
Unlucky Loot
Where’s My Teeth
Empty Pockets

Tapping Kid’s College Fund
Money Clip Jip
Three Time Loser
Trailer Park Payout
Save Your Cash
No Mo Money
Who Needs Groceries?

Throwing Money Away
A Dope’s Hope
Bills Can Wait
Scratch This!
Cash Strapped

Disappearing Dollars
Better Call G.A. (Gambler’s Anonymous)
Your Luck Sucks
$elf De$pair
And finally,
Damn Scratcher Crumbs
If you can think of any rejected names to add to the list, please pass them along in a comment.
Till next time, good luck and keep scratching!
2 Replies to “Rejected Instant Lottery Names”
Counter Scratch & Die
Good one! Proof you should always go with granite.
Thanks for playing along.