Blatantly Pathetic

You got me. I apologize.
This post is blatantly pathetic.
An entry full of shameless self-promotion.
Confessing my infidelities, I admit I have been writing for others. And offer the following examples as proof.
Please enjoy the fruits of my addiction…..
“29 Reasons I’m Thankful for Having MS.”

Sure the title sounds crazy, but after being asked by Healthline to write this piece, I got thinking. And I realized good CAN emerge from a diagnosis of MS.
Read for yourself at the link below:
“My MS Mantra: 7 Influencers Share What Keeps Them Strong.”

Everybody has rough days. Here are seven fellow MSers (Me included) sharing what we do when all seems hopeless.
If anything, print my picture to use as pest extermination.
Enjoy this bit of inspiration from the Healthline link below…..
“MS Conversations,” blog of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America.

MSAA produces a fine blog of MS information!
Once a month they lower their standards & allow me to contribute a post.
Be sure to check out my latest on Wednesday, March 28th about progressive MS on what just happens to be #ProgressiveMSDay!
Visit “MS Conversations” at:
Wednesday, March 28th is Progressive MS Day

It’s the first-annual day recognizing the most debilitating form of the disease.
Progressive MS affects approximately 15% of those living with multiple sclerosis. (Lump me in that figure!)
You can help spread awareness simply by using the hashtag #ProgressiveMSDay in all your social media posts.
Thanks for helping share the message.
Well I warned you I was about to be sickenly pitiful.
In my cheeky attempt to gain plugs, I felt as slimy as a publicist for an up-coming movie by Adam Sandler.
But I will now shower and soon return as my usual humble self.
Thank you for your readership to My Odd Sock!
5 Replies to “Blatantly Pathetic”
What a great article! I agree with most of the 29 reasons lol. I do appreciate the world around me more. Dont feel slimy its part of the job lol
Thank you much! I was worried the “29 Reasons” may be taken the wrong way. I hate MS for what it has stolen but am thankful for what it has given in return.
Great post! Thanks for catching us up on everything else you are doing to make life with MS better for us all!
Way to go my friend!
Thank you very much!