Christmas Quickies

During the holiday season, everyone is busy.
No time to read a bla-bla-blog post.
So let me present “My Odd Sock’s Christmas Quickies.”
Here are four fast holiday gags to get you in & out of here in a hurry.
(Besides, who doesn’t like a quickie.)

First up.
I’ve watched Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer all my life and never noticed (till my son pointed it out) that Yukon Cornelius is packing heat!
And I thought he was only careless with his pick-ax!

Here is a terrible gift idea for a female.
Really, Nike?

Moving along…
It’s Christmas time, so why not celebrate the holidays with sugar-induced hyperglycemia!
(Sing along)…”All I want for Christmas is tooth de-cay!”
No wonder Santa covers the entire world in one night—he’s all hopped up on Christmas Crunch!
For those planning to build a GIANT nativity scene this year, you may need these…..

Yup, I’ve no clue on the difference between a donkey…and a “Mammoth donkey.”
By super-sizing everything, you’ll have to hire Shaq as Baby Jesus!
See, I told you I’d get you out of here quick.
Till next time.
One Reply to “Christmas Quickies”
LOL as always!!