Wall Walking The World

Wall walking has long been known as a “mobility aid” to those with multiple sclerosis.
MSer’s use walls and other stable surfaces to maintain their balance by constant touching when more preferred mobility aids (ie- canes, crutches, rollators) are out of reach.
Wall walkers are easy to spot as they generally must take the long way around the room as well as by the trail of waist-high fingerprints they leave behind.
Do not be embarrased wall walkers as I am one of you!
Not to brag, but being a jet-set, globe-trotter, I have wall walked around the world (Boy are my fingers tired) and would like to share my travels with you…..

Here I am wall walking at mysterious Stonehenge in the U.K.

Here’s me at the Great Wall of China.

And me grabbing a bite to eat at the romantic Eiffel Tower in Paris!

Back in the U.S., I’ve wall walked the Green Monster in Fenway Park.

And here I am at the Hoover Dam.

That’s me exploring Easter Island in the Pacific.

How could I forget wall walking at the Vatican!
(Luckily, I found a bowl of water to wash my hands.)

And finally, here I am at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.
It is safe to say I leave my mark (fingerprint) whereever I go.
And if you are a wall walker–don’t be ashamed by doing the same.
Happy travels.