Controversial bin Laden Photograph

Controversial bin Laden Photograph


Warning:  This My Odd Sock

contains the graphic death photo

of Osama bin Laden.  Please

refrain from showing young

children or those faint of heart.




Although the U.S. Government decided not to release this controversial photograph, My Odd Sock operatives obtained the secretive information and has decided to release the image to you, the public.



Thusly, here is the Osama bin Laden death photo…………….



Bin Laden death photo
Bin Laden death photo


Conspiracy theorists will declare this is NOT bin Laden, but merely a turkey sandwich…a delicious turkey sandwich.


But, I counter this IS bin Laden.  The lifeless eyes.  The thick, rich blood.  And of course, the thinning beard.





May the world rest peacefully.  May we all just get along.





4 Replies to “Controversial bin Laden Photograph”

  1. I was nervous about reading this after getting so many warnings about a virus connected to such postings! Should have known it was just goofy you!

  2. Sorry Muff!

    I hadn’t heard of the virus…otherwise, I would have named the post something different! (“Something different” would have been a dumb name as well!)

    Odd Sock

  3. Yeah, the word is don’t open any e-mail or Facebook posting regarding a picture of Bin Laden as they may contain a virus. However, I knew Mr. Odd Sock would be safe, so I had to look. But now I won’t be able to eat a turkey sandwich with out seeing Bin Ladens face. 🙂

  4. Oh man. I just had lunch that looked like this…and it was great going in. Now what to do with this vurp feeling… 😉

    I sure hope you didn’t get stained by this encounter…you Odd Sock.
