Tag: Fear

The Scary Stuff of MS

The Scary Stuff of MS

Please enjoy this look back at this old My Odd Sock from 2011…..   Thinking back to the day of your MS diagnosis, you may recall the fanatically-frightened thought pattern of your brain. A whirlwind of what-ifs, how’s thats and it-can’t-be’s. Heart pounding mental images of canes, walkers and wheelchairs, oh my! It was the …

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Fear Of Being Seen

Fear Of Being Seen

    “You gotta get out there.” “Be more social.” “Don’t shut yourself off.”   I’ve heard’em all.  And you probably have too!   The truth is, I’m not anti-social.  I just feel uncomfortable being in social situations, seated in my wheelchair, suited up like Iron Man with an AFO strapped to my leg and …

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Greatest Fear

Greatest Fear

      When you receive a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis–fear becomes a big part of the equation. Fear of the unknown.  Fear of the future. Will I be able to walk?  Will I be in a wheelchair?       But as time goes by, your fear subsides.  It doesn’t go away…it just lurks in …

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