Tag: Barney Fife

Mother & Father

Mother & Father

  I’ve never been keen on formalities, especially when it came to addressing my parents as “mother” and “father.” Referring to “my mother” or “my father” in conversation seemed so upper crust.  Like something one would say at the country club wearing a houndstooth jacket, sipping a martini. My experience growing up was quite different.  …

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Andy, Mayberry & Wapak

Andy, Mayberry & Wapak

    Like most, I was saddened at the news of Andy Griffith’s passing in early July. As a kid, I loved the homespun humor & life lessons of TV’s “The Andy Griffith Show.” I felt a connection to the program and to Mayberry, the ficticious town where Andy served as sheriff.   Mayberry was  …

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