Tag: Apitherapy

The Buzz About Bees Part Two

The Buzz About Bees Part Two

Here is another Best Of Bee Stings–Part Two! Please enjoy! Remember how apprehensive you were taking your first shot of MS medication? Well, getting your first bee sting is much the same. We tend to think back to when we were kids, running barefoot through the grass and stepping on a bee.  Painful memories for …

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The Buzz About Bees Part One

The Buzz About Bees Part One

Please enjoy the sting of this Best Of about Bee Stings.  Part Two follows. Bee stings.  Apitherapy.  Bee venom therapy.  Call it what you want—I even call it “crazy!”  But the truth is, I’ve been getting stung, not accidently-but on purpose, since September of 2002.  Bee stings are my little way of thumbing my nose …

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Swiss Army Knife of Treatment

Swiss Army Knife of Treatment

  The Swiss Army Knife. First introduced in 1859, this baby was the cat’s meow of knives! The Swiss Army Knife was decked out like a pimp’s Cadillac Coupe DeVille.  It’s the McGyver of cutlery!   Boasting not only a main blade and a smaller blade too…..plus, tweezers, a toothpick, corkscrew, can-opener, flat-head screwdriver, Phillips-head …

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