Back To School 2015

Back To School 2015



Another year of academia.
Another year of academia.


Shop shop till you drop!


It’s back to school time already and My Odd Sock has been busy checking the ads for everything little Johnny or Suzie will need as they head back to campus.


You get your charge card while I grab a cart as we shop Back To School 2015.




Go team go!
Go team go!



First stop…the linen department for new sheets & bed covers supporting your favorite school you couldn’t get accepted into to attend!


And parents, make sure the bed  looks nice because this is the only time the bed will be made (let alone washed) for the next nine months!





Nice duds, kid.
Nice duds, kid.


JCPenney works hard making your son look like a real tool in this get-up.


I’m afraid I would have been pounded senseless showing up for class in these togs.


Not sure if he’s going to Geometry or he’s late to the set of any dopey sitcom on the Disney Channel.


Moving on…..



Extra ketchup please.
Extra ketchup please.



Here is an extra-petite tops for the girls.


Word of warning ladies, if you live by the motto of “Fries Before Guys,” you won’t be able to fit into this top for long!


Reminds me of another slogan I live by and that is…”Fries Go Straight To My Thighs.”

Yep, I’ll never be able to wear corduroys again.






Climb in social outcast.
Climb in social outcast.



Here’s a brilliant idea for an item available at Bed Bath & Beyond.

It’s the Privacy Pop Bed Tent!


Yes, put a thin layer of nylon between you & the outside world for the privacy & social avoidance you desire!


In college, had I cocooned myself in something like this, my roommates would have thrown me off the balcony!


That’s $130 bucks well wasted.


What’s next…..



Thomas Edison would be ashamed.
Thomas Edison would be ashamed.


String lights are popular these days.


What a unique way to decorate your dorm room….or used car lot.




Run kid run!
Run kid run!




I found this picture interesting.


The outfit is fine…but what in the hell is the kid doing?


I figure either the photographer just farted…or this kid is trying to avoid the tear gas.


Just sayin.




Good to the last stomach pump.
Good to the last stomach pump.


Lastly, BB&B checks in once again with the lovely Rapid Ramen Cooker.


Yeah, just what we need—a faster way to cook a brick of stale noodles.


For just $9.99, you get not one, but TWO Rapid Ramen Cookers!  

So not only can you gag yourself—but your dinner date as well!


And if the noodles don’t get you, you can always stab yourslef in the temple with one of those chop sticks.

Where is the nearest Arby’s?



Well the shopping cart is full and your credit card is maxed out—two obvious signs our back to school shopping trip has been a good one.

It’s gonna be a great school year!

