Dumb Stuff

Dumb Stuff





I call this post “Dumb Stuff,” when in reality it is all dumb stuff.

(“Dumb Stuff” is the polite term for “Stupid Sh##.”)

Though you may call it what you want, as I am simply lumping together a few, odd, completely-unrelated observations and serving them up a la carte in a weekend humor piece.




While showering & shampooing today (Is it shower day already?), I noticed these diagrams on the side of my bottle of Pert…….


How do I use this stuff again?
How do I use this stuff again?


Thank goodness Proctor & Gamble got rid of those lengthy, detailed shampooing instructions….and replaced them with this easy-to-follow shampoo pictoral!

What focus-group discussion prompted this change?

(As a P&G Exec)…”We feel our core Pert clientele prefer a symbol tutorial over the traditional scripted directions.”

Maybe they changed it for the non-English speaking Pert users?  Truth is, if someone doesn’t know how to use shampoo, I’d rather not have them living in the country!

Why have instructions on the bottle in the first place?  I haven’t had to read the shampoo how-to since I was two!


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Ah, liquid refreshment!
Ah, liquid refreshment!


All this belly-aching makes an odd sock mighty thirsty.

Think I’ll wet down my pipes with a bottle of Sobe Lifewater.

Strawberry Kiwi flavor.  (Yes, I am in touch with my feminine side!)

Some are skeptical by the whole “water” revolution.  They say it is just ordinary tap water with a dollop of added flavoring.


But I can assure you, Lifewater is NOT flavored tap water.


Big words--little meaning.
Big words--little meaning.


Just read the label……


It is a self-described “nutrient enhanced hydration beverage.”


Yeah, maybe skeptics are right.  Fancy talk for flavored water!  Think I’ll drown my sorrows with a beer, er, I mean a “mood enhancement intoxication beverage.”



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Lance ArmstrongFinally, Lance Armstrong has had a difficult week.

The United States Anti-Doping Agency announced it would strip the retired cyclist of all of his seven Tour de France titles.  The USADA (I thought this stood for the “Dairy Association!”) took Lance’s refusal to appeal as an admission of guilt.


Many in the media have wondered how this announcement would affect Armstrong’s legacy as a cyclist…and his foundation’s work for cancer awareness.


I’m not exactly sure either, but the USADA decision also forced a change in the design of Armstrong’s popular yellow bracelets….

New bracelet design.
New bracelet design.








Dumb stuff, like I said!
