Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

Sit back & listen
Sit back & listen



Healthcare costs keep rising.  But you DO have a choice. 

Screaming Mercy Hospital allows you get the proper medical care you need–at a cost savings to fit your budget.


To hear the My Odd Sock mp3 :60 piece, just click on the title at the end of this sentence for Screaming Mercy Hospital


Screaming Mercy Hospital was written by My Odd Sock and produced by Tony Gialluca Productions.


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Favorite Comments of the week.

“I’m nervous to be getting breast enlargement.  Can anyone reccomend a cosmetic surgery doctor in the Phoenix area?”


My Odd Sock says:  Yes, Fernando, I would be nervous too about getting breast enlargement surgery–especially if I was a dude!  Good luck.


Exceedingly well written piece you have here.”

                                       -Attracting Women Tips


My Odd Sock says:  This comment included a link to a site called “Attracting Women Fast.”

Unfortunately, this comment was in response to my posting titled “This Dribble Is On Me” describing how MS has ruined my bladder control.  The story also detailed how I tinkled in my yard when I couldn’t make it into the house!  The first tip should be….Don’t wee in your pants!


“I hope you don’t mind, I linked your website to my website.”



My Odd Sock says:  Thanks Richardo, I appreciate it…..I think.

(Richardo’s website is “Enlarge-Your-Manhood-The-Natural-Way.)




2 Replies to “Audio Earwax”

  1. Loved that bit! Especially the “Begging For Mercy Health System” and the staff being “mostly deaf” to the screams of the patients. Silly–but also already true on some level and a tad prophetic!