Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

Sit back & listen
Sit back & listen


Today’s job market is tough.  A new career path could be your best move for the future.

Why not train at America’s finest new institution for career training?

Introducing the “Twinkle Dinkle Truck Driving School.”

Click on the school’s title at the end of this sentence to hear a :60 mp3 commercial for the Twinkle Dinkle Truck Driving School


Twinkle Dinkle Ice Cream Truck Driving School was written by My Odd Sock and produced by Tony Gialluca Productions. 

Check more of Tony’s work on his link found in the My Odd Sock Blogroll!


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What is it?
What is it?



Lotion Booger:

The semi-solid, gummy, gelatinous goo that forms on the spout of a lotion bottle requiring one to wipe the bottle like a child’s nose.




