Foot Droppings

Foot Droppings

IMG_1898I have Multiple Sclerosis.

A disease officially diagnosed by a medical doctor in September of 1996 or 1997 (I can never remember which year!).

One of my MS characteristics is “foot drop.”


My foot drop was a self-diagnosis after “face-meeting-pavement” a few hundred times over the years.

I’ve always found the term “foot drop” to be rather interesting.  Interesting in the fact that my foot “drops” just fine—never worked better!  It’s the foot “ups” I have problems with!

I can’t pick up my right foot for the life of me.  In fact, salaries go up easier!


Mention you have foot drop to someone not familiar with the attributes of MS and they begin to look around, searching for a lost foot.

“I have MS–not leprosy”, I tell them.


Foot drop  is easy to spot too–just check the shoes.  Those of us with foot drop on our MS resume are the only people to wear out a pair of shoes—-ON TOP!



I walk on my toes more than a ballerina!

I pirouette like a lame Baryshnikov.


With foot drop, it is difficult to pick up your foot with each step.  The foot folds under and you end up dragging it, scraping the top of the shoe in the process.



My Odd Sock says “Let’s Play Doctor.”

It’s easy to tell which foot is dropping it like it’s hot.  Here is a pair of my new shoes.  Can you guess which foot has more drop?

Shoe on the left?  Or right?
Shoe on the left? Or right?


If you guessed the shoe on the left (my right foot)–you are correct!


Medical supply companies make several kinds of gizmos to help those of us with foot drop.  I have a ancient A.F.O. or leg brace, for my rightie.  (What A.F.O. stands for is beyond me–I always thought it was a labor union!)





This thing is prehistoric!




It does help me pick up my foot, but it feels like it weighs ten pounds and I tire easily when wearing it.


Today, they make electronic units that strap around your shin and stimulate the muscles to pick up the foot with each step.

Ingenious & fascinating, no doubt—but this odd sock has never tried one.  Nor do I know anyone else who has.


So while MS’s other higher profile traits capture the attention & admiration of the public, My Odd Sock wanted to give “kuddos” to the lowly foot drop—the stripe that keeps this guy “grounded”….literally.

How do you dance with foot drop?  Share your story with us.

And if you use the electronic device–I’d like to hear more!

Till next time.

This has been another barely engaging episode of My Odd Sock.


5 Replies to “Foot Droppings”

  1. Well……I dance, first of with a huge grin on my face, due to the fact that I must have had a couple and also because I am actually out of the house in some sort of club! (doesn’t happen very often)

    Then I just stand there holding my cane and moving my body like there’s no tomorrow.

    I must warn you, this may cause you to wake up the next morning with a headache! 🙂

    Good Luck!

  2. Foon, I used to post quite a bit to AS a few years ago and a recent check showed that you have MS. Never fear, I was diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS a year ago. I have kept with my meds and am still working out every day. It hasn’t affected my water time and I still manage to surf 3-4 times a week. Since I relocated to NYC, I’m hitting the cold water of Rockaway and Jersey shore. I refuse to let the MS keep me dry. Good luck and keep in touch. Best, Jeff