Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax


Sit back & listen
Sit back & listen


It’s time for some listening fun!


You might have seen the TV commercials for “Five Hour Energy.”  (When the guy tying his tie comes down the stairs, I think he looks like Michael J. Fox)



Well, here is an mp3 audio commercial for a new product by the same makers.  To listen, just click on the title at the end of this sentence to hear Three Hour Leg Cramp


Audio Earwax Double-Shot!


Have you heard radio commercials for Get A Free

Well, My Odd Sock along with Tony Gialluca Productions, are proud to announce a new service from the same company!

To hear the mp3 audio parody, just click on the title at the end of this sentence for Get A Free Lapdance Dot Com 



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